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Our college held a class meeting on safety education at the end of the term

Date of issue :2021-07-24   Hits:

In order to improve students' safety awareness and prevention ability, each class of Civil Engineering College has held a class meeting on the theme of final safety education, which was presided over by class counselors, from July 18 to 23.

Combined with the situation of current flood season and epidemic prevention and control, as well as the vital safety interests of college students, according to the requirements of school departure safety and summer safety education, the class meeting focused on the prevention and response of traffic safety, network security, epidemic prevention and control and drowning prevention, popularized safety knowledge and methods for students through real cases and video simulation, and answered the questions raised by students one by one. At the class meeting, the counselors carried out learning situation analysis, career planning guidance, mental health education, etc. according to the different conditions of the classes they took. The level 20 counselors also arranged the relocation work. Some classes carried out the class committee's annual report and democratic evaluation, and the excellent students shared their learning and competition experience. Counselors of grade 2020 also made relocation arrangements, some classes conducted class committee annual report and democratic evaluation, and excellent students shared their learning and competition experience.

The The successful holding of this class meeting has strengthened the students' safety awareness and prevention ability, and encouraged the students to make full use of the summer to recharge themselves and spend a safe, full and happy holiday.

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