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School of Civil Engineering of Taiyuan University of Technology won the 2nd Huakai Cup Concrete Material Design Competition in Shanxi Province

Date of issue :2021-10-17   Hits:

On October 16th, 2021, the 2nd "Hua Kai" Cup Concrete Material Design Competition of Shanxi Province was successfully held in Qingxu Base of Taiyuan Hua Kai Weiye Technology Co., Ltd., sponsored by Shanxi Civil Engineering and Architecture Society and undertaken by the School of Civil Engineering of Taiyuan University of Technology. The competition was attended by 53 teams with 159 participants from 43 institutions of higher education, testing units and production enterprises in Shanxi Province. The opening ceremony was attended and addressed by Hao Zengyuan, the director of Shanxi Civil Engineering and Architecture Society, Ge Xinsheng, the Vice Dean of Civil Engineering College of Taiyuan University of Technology, Zhao Qiang, the Vice Dean of Shanxi Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd, the leaders and guests of Shanxi Provincial Construction Quality and Safety Technical Station, Taiyuan Construction Quality and Safety Station, Qinghu Economic Development Zone and Shanxi Huakai Weiye.

This concrete competition consisted of theoretical examination and practical operation session, more than 20 experts participated in the refereeing work and more than 20 volunteers participated in the auxiliary work of the competition. After the first theoretical examination and proportioning design on September 25; the practical operation session participants performed concrete proportioning operation according to the competition rules.

In the afternoon of the same day, the competition held a grand award ceremony, which finally produced 4 special awards, 9 first-class awards, 16 second-class awards and 24 third-class awards. The team composed of teachers and students of our college finally won one Grand Prize, one First Prize and one Second Prize.

The successful holding of this competition is not only a display of the achievements of the innovation and technology competition of college students, but also a successful attempt to cooperate with schools and enterprises and jointly promote local economic and social development.

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